I am thrilled to announce the creation of two groundbreaking Winter Academies dedicated to the teaching of academic art in Portugal. These new initiatives, based in Porto and Lisbon, aim to revive the classical art techniques of the 19th century, offering an intensive curriculum in drawing and painting to art enthusiasts of all levels.

'Winter Academy' at the National Museum Soares dos Reis, Porto.
I am delighted to introduce the 'Winter Academy' at the magnificent National Museum Soares dos Reis in Porto, in collaboration with Professor Pedro Santos Silva. This year is particularly special for the museum, as it has just been honored with the prestigious titles of “Museum of the Year 2024” and “Traveler’s Choice,” placing it among the world’s most esteemed cultural destinations.
The Winter Academy will run annually from October to February, and the first edition kicks off with a course in drawing and painting, divided into four modules. These courses are designed to teach traditional techniques similar to those practiced by Soares dos Reis himself. The inaugural session begins with the legendary Bargue Drawing Course, held over the last two weekends of October.
For more information and to pre-register, visit www.bargue.org or contact me. Spots are very limited.
'The Atelier' in Lisbon at the House-Museum Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves (Former Art Studio of José Malhoa)
In Lisbon, the newly established 'The Atelier' will take place in the former studio of renowned painter José Malhoa, now the Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves. This marks a major milestone in Portugal's art education scene and the realization of a long-held dream. The classical methods that have gained increasing recognition internationally now have two centers of excellence in Portugal.
The Lisbon Academy will also run from October to February, offering progressive modules in drawing and painting. The first session begins with the Bargue Drawing Course, followed by the Munsell Color Mixing Course. Both are open to students of all skill levels.
The new year will start with Bargue II (January 14-17), exploring color temperature using the Trois Crayons method, followed by the Cast Drawing Course (January 21-29) and the Cast Painting Course (January 30-February 5).
For more information and to pre-register, visit www.bargue.org or contact me.
Spots are very limited.
Thank you, Nelson Ferreira #AtelierTraining #WinterArtAcademy #AcademiaDeInverno #ClassicalArtEducation #AcademicDrawing #SoaresDosReis #LisbonArtAcademy #CasaMuseuAnastacioGoncalves #BargueDrawing #19thCenturyArt #ArtInPortugal #FineArtTechniques #TraditionalDrawing #NelsonFerreiraArt #PedroSantosSilvaArt #MunsellColorSystem #ArtCoursesLisbon #ArtCoursesPorto #JoséMalhoaStudio #ClassicalTechniques #CastDrawing #ClassicalRealism