Documentary about BIALE - International Biennial of the Alentejo, which took place in March 2023. This was the first ever international biennial in the Alentejo region. Nelson Ferreira was the chief curator. We were honored to represent artists such as:
1:18 Anna Steinhouse-Kandelaki 3:43 Francisco Ortigão 4:07 Charlie Pickard 4:27 Francesca Arcidiaco 6:00 Christopher Lane 6:37 Lucille Dweck 7:44 Jordi Diaz Alamà 8:14 Karen Wood 9:15 Temsuyanger Longkumer 10:00 Marc Dalessio 11:33 Cristina Troufa 12:12 Andrea Sargeant Branca 12:59 Filipe Romão 13:33 Daniel Xavier 14:54 António Faria 15:40 Pedro Barbosa 17:23 Gianmarco Donaggio 18:33 Cátia Alhandra and Ricardo Martins.
The artists and I are grateful to the Estremoz City Council, the Alentejo Regional Department of Culture, the National Society of Fine Arts, the Cerveira Art Biennial Foundation... and to the many thousands of visitors who supported us... and to the excellent documentarians Yuri Chernikov and Eliina Che.
#art #painting #BienalInternacional #NelsonFerreira #BIALE #Portugal #Estremoz #AnnaSteinhouseKandelaki #FranciscoOrtigão #CharliePickard #FrancescaArcidiaco #ChristopherLane #LucilleDweck #JordiDiazAlamà #KarenWood #TemsuyangerLongkumer #MarcDalessio #CristinaTroufa #AndreaSargeantBranca #FilipeRomão #DanielXavier #AntónioFaria #PedroBarbosa #GianmarcoDonaggio #CátiaAlhandra #RicardoMartins #CâmaraMunicipalDeEstremoz #SociedadeNacionalDeBelasArtes #FundaçãoBienalDeArteDeCerveira #YuriChernikov #EliinaChe